Do you know what you have to do when your company faces security incidents? Do you have documents where you can look up what you need to do? If so, are they up to date? Security policies are neglected in many areas, although they are a cornerstone for maintaining IT compliance and improving enterprise security.
SAP S/4HANA migration and SAP Fiori implementation – six helpful best-practice tips
The fundamental question that many people ask before implementing SAP S/4HANA and deploying Fiori apps is “why?”. The option of using Fiori apps has been available for a while now, but the question as to why these new apps should be used usually doesn’t pop up until an SAP S/4HANA migration is planned.
Important aspect of SAP data collection: S/4HANA embedded analytics uses the BI analysis “Authorizations”
Data collection and the subsequent analyses are important, complex processes; it’s difficult to imagine modern business processes without data analytics. To address customers’ specific needs, customer data is analyzed, material inventories are recorded automatically, and entire work processes are scrutinized to squeeze out efficiency gains. Important data collection also takes place within the SAP landscape, for example, with SAP S/4HANA embedded analytics. The check logic in the authorizations deserves special attention here.
Typical pitfalls of SAP S/4HANA migration: Changes in the file structure of the SAP S/4HANA application server cause negative side-effects
In its S/4HANA release, SAP follows a strategy of process simplification and greater usability, among others. At the technical level, new layers such as the SAP Fiori Front-end Server, SAP Fiori launchpad, and SAP Fiori apps were created. The authorizations of these objects require particular attention to avoid nasty surprises as the project progresses. One specific pitfall is the changed file structure on the new application server.
Business partners and the sneaky back door of the F4 search help: How to protect your sensitive data
SAP offers a consolidated data object, the business partner, to simplify the management of sensitive master data for customers, suppliers, and employees. This simplification also poses dangers, however. Therefore, all companies that plan to migrate to SAP S/4HANA should familiarize themselves with the business partner concept ahead of time.
SAP February patch day: Highly critical vulnerability in core component threatens central SAP products (key word: ICMAD) – act immediately!
A major security vulnerability, which has been assigned a top severity rating, threatens SAP ERP 6.0, S/4HANA, NetWeaver, and Web Dispatcher, among others. The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued an alert warning of potential attacks on SAP products. Patch your SAP systems IMMEDIATELY!
Why are SIEM tools blind to SAP? An interesting question, and not only for operators of critical infrastructure who are migrating to SAP S/4HANA.
Cybersecurity is a hot topic right now: increasing numbers of external attacks on company networks during the pandemic and the further professionalization of the attackers have made it even more important. In recent months, we’ve been reading about attacks on companies almost every day, which have suffered consequences up to and including total shutdowns that lasted for days. What elements of SAP security have changed, for whom is Germany’s IT Security Act 2.0 relevant, how can you take this account during migration to SAP S/4HANA, and what can every company do to improve SAP security?
Think about updating your authorization roles in your SAP S/4HANA project!
Many companies are currently faced with the task of converting their SAP systems to SAP S/4HANA, because their ERP maintenance will be discontinued in the foreseeable future. Project planning usually only takes technical and organizational aspects into account, however; crucial security topics aren’t given enough priority. As a result, the implementation of the authorization concept and adaptation of the authorization roles often end up at the end of the line.
User-friendly processes with the free SAP Screen Personas tool
User experience and modern user interfaces are becoming increasingly widespread. Even SAP now offers solutions like SAP Fiori, which is based on contemporary operating systems. Another helpful, reliable tool for generating custom user interfaces is SAP Screen Personas. This software product is simple to use and can be customized to users’ specific needs.
Role conversion is anything but child’s play – but you can still execute your SAP S/4HANA authorization projects quickly and securely
A survey was conducted during an ITOK expert talk on the greatest challenges for SAP security in March. It revealed that over half the participants see such challenges in the area of roles and authorizations. The integration of the authorization concept represents one of the core activities during SAP S/4HANA implementation and is a frequent reason for the failure of such projects as a whole. But how can you handle conflicts like resource bottlenecks, shifting priorities for subprojects, changes to tasks, and testing?