Rent an admin: with our SAST Managed Services we can guarantee the security of your SAP systems in these times of crisis

SAST blog: Managed service in times of crisis - Remotely or On CallThe current situation is forcing companies around the world to find and implement alternative solutions to maintain operations of their SAP systems and business processes. The SAST team is your reliable partner, especially in times of crisis. This is because providing remote support for our SAP customers what we do every day. Our SAST Managed Service puts us in the best possible and reliable position to help you in times of crisis!

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Managed Service: The Booster for your SAP Security & Compliance

SAST MANAGED SERVICESChecking for vulnerabilities, flawed configurations, and critical authorizations on a regular basis is the only reliable way to ensure SAP system security. Dedicated efforts to safeguard SAP environments, however, are both technically complex and contingent upon having a great deal of time and personnel. That’s why a managed service presents an attractive alternative.

Gunar Funke, head of SAP Manages Services SAST SOLUTIONS at AKQUINET, recently sat down with us to talk about why a managed service solution makes particular sense in the context of SAP security and what’s involved with regard to SAST SUITE.

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IT security for SAP landscapes with managed services

sast-managed servicesAs the years pass by, companies are increasingly facing the oft-lamented lack of experts. Bright minds thinking about information technology and how to implement it, maintain it and, especially, secure it, are far and few between. And the risks grow in line with the increasingly complex IT environment. Most IT departments are simply in over their heads in the face of this challenge. For this reason, security for systems and storage of critical company data is often pushed to the bottom of the to-do list.
Consider this: Managed services offer quick, and most importantly, secure solutions.
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Is WannaCry possible for SAP systems?


Last year, WannaCry brought some companies to the edge of absolute ruin. While the most common entry vectors are known, companies are still making it much too easy for hackers.

Officially, emails were to blame for the largest-scale cyberattack in recent years. If users clicked on the mail attachment, WannaCry implanted malware into the computers, propagated itself, and encrypted accessible data in the blink of an eye. In an alternative scenario, hackers had infiltrated the manufacturer of a subsystem and built the malware code into a software patch.
While unfamiliar emails can simply be deleted, the deployment of such a patch can undermine the in-house security system with breathtaking speed.

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