In most cases, enterprise networks are infected as a result of human error. Employees click on spoofed links, accidentally reveal their passwords to third parties, or open a file that contains unexpected malware. In attack vectors involving the SAP GUI, employees are often not to blame, because an incorrectly configured SAP system is enough to enable damage to the IT landscape.
Cyber Attack
Rent an admin: with our SAST Managed Services we can guarantee the security of your SAP systems in these times of crisis
The current situation is forcing companies around the world to find and implement alternative solutions to maintain operations of their SAP systems and business processes. The SAST team is your reliable partner, especially in times of crisis. This is because providing remote support for our SAP customers what we do every day. Our SAST Managed Service puts us in the best possible and reliable position to help you in times of crisis!
Corona Lockdown: IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT) lists free IT security solutions for secure mobile working.
Partner contribution – Berlin, March 23, 2020. The current widespread switch to mobile working, home office, data transmission and remote authentication places increased demands on IT security to avoid creating new opportunities for attackers to take advantage of the moment.
Criminals exploit the Corona crisis to e-mail spam with malware
The mass e-mail campaigns sending malware are most often the vehicle bringing malware into systems. So-called “phishing” e-mails are particularly dangerous: Cyber criminals use these to “fish” for passwords and other personal information. These e-mails contain infected links or attachments and remain the most common method of distributing malware.
SAP security through virus protection: practical significance for the operation of SAP systems
It is well known that SAP systems present an attractive target for hackers and manipulators. After all, SAP systems gather all the sensitive company data in one place, making it all the more important to protect them against unauthorized access. In addition to conventional measures for improving SAP security and compliance, this includes extensive anti-virus protection adapted specifically to the requirements of SAP systems.
The Buchbinder case: how incorrect configurations impact data security
On January 23, 2020, news broke on one of the biggest data leaks to date in Germany. Apparently, it was possible for anyone on the Internet to gain full access to the backup of the entire database of car rental company Buchbinder. The ramifications are difficult grasp.
Rethinking real-time monitoring for IT security with the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is both a blessing and a curse: While it offers tremendous potential benefits, it also fosters uncertainty when it comes to protecting these complex connections against unauthorized access. After all, as more things get connected to the Internet, the risk of hacker attacks also increases.
The most important elements of a Cybersecurity Strategy
![SAST BLOG: The Most Important Elements of a Cybersecurity Strategy](
SAP Security: five ways to make sure you’ll be hacked
(A guide of the less serious sort.)
Let’s be honest right off the bat: There’s a lot of hype in the media about IT security in general and SAP security in special these days. But is there really anything behind it? Those headlines about millions of data records going missing always affect someone else – whether it’s Equifax across the pond or the big tech companies that have been infiltrated by organized groups of Chinese hackers. It’s all alarmist nonsense!
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RFC Interfaces in SAP Landscapes: An Overview
Do you have an overview of the RFC interfaces in your SAP systems? The larger the company, the more interfaces there are. Unfortunately, these are often not taken into account when securing IT systems, thereby allowing hackers free access to sensitive data. The name of the game for SAP managers is therefore: Clean up and check.