Vulnerability Scan, Audit, or Penetration Test: Find the right method for identifying vulnerabilities.

SAST Blog: Vulnerability Scan, Security Audit, or Penetration Test: Finding the Right Method for Identifying Vulnerabilities. There are many methods for assessing the risk potential of SAP landscapes and identifying potential vulnerabilities, so it isn’t always easy to keep track of all the alternatives. Options range from vulnerability scans to audits and penetration tests. But which approach is the right one for identifying vulnerabilities depends entirely on your individual requirements.

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SAP home goes rogue – preventable attack vectors through the SAP GUI

SAST Blog: SAP Home Goes Rogue – Preventable Attack Vectors Through the SAP GUIIn most cases, enterprise networks are infected as a result of human error. Employees click on spoofed links, accidentally reveal their passwords to third parties, or open a file that contains unexpected malware. In attack vectors involving the SAP GUI, employees are often not to blame, because an incorrectly configured SAP system is enough to enable damage to the IT landscape.

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SAP security through virus protection: practical significance for the operation of SAP systems

SAST Blog: SAP Security Through Virus Protection: Practical Significance for the Operation of SAP SystemsIt is well known that SAP systems present an attractive target for hackers and manipulators. After all, SAP systems gather all the sensitive company data in one place, making it all the more important to protect them against unauthorized access. In addition to conventional measures for improving SAP security and compliance, this includes extensive anti-virus protection adapted specifically to the requirements of SAP systems.

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SNC encryption made easy: SAP security even without SSO

SAST Blog: SNC encryption made easy: SAP security even without SSOTo secure and encrypt customer networks, SAP offers the SNC (Secure Network Communications) interface with which users can log in to SAP systems without having to enter a user name or password. In the standard system, SAP login credentials are transmitted in clear text. The SNC interface routes calls through the SAP Cryptographic Library, to encrypt all communications between the SAP GUI and the SAP server. This enables secure individual logins for SAP.

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Detect and Eliminate Vulnerabilities in SAP Systems – Thanks to Security Audit and RFC Interface Analysis

SAST System Security ValidationSAP systems require special attention when it comes to their security and this is no longer news to anyone. More often than not, the ERP systems supplied from Walldorf in Baden-Württemberg store some of the most crucial and sensitive company data. That said, what is the best approach to achieving the optimum level of security? A security audit would fit the bill!

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