WITH HEADER LINE – it’s not simply obsolete; it’s a risk.

shutterstock_424352977_akqw_jpgThe addition “WITH HEADER LINE” has technically been unnecessary going back several SAP versions now. This is because the statement declares both internal tables and an additional data object – the header line.

There are a large number of notes that spread awareness that the use of this statement causes various content problems. Among other things, the use of the same name means that it is not immediately apparent as to whether you are working on a table or a header line.

However, what the notes typically do not warn you about is that this kind of programming goes hand in hand with security problems for your SAP systems.

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IT Trends explained easily: Machine Learning

SAST-Blog_IT-TrendsMachine learning, Internet of Things and Blockchain are some of the new concepts that SAP Leonardo is bringing to the SAP ecosystem to reduce TCO, optimize business processes, and add more value to companies. If these terms are unknown territory for you, our new blog series “IT trends explained easily” is just right for you.

Our first article is about Machine Learning algorithms and how they can be applied.

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Do SAP security policies create more security? Not usually…

Motiv_SAST-Security_Bild03_150dpi_1701You might already know that, as of Release 7.40 Sp8, you can use SAP security policies to define user-specific security parameters, contrary to the system profile values. But did you also know that you can inadvertently weaken secure values such as login restrictions and password complexity as a result?

Our practical tip will show you how to effectively prevent such a weakening.

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What does the new SAST Suite 5.0 offer?

Motiv_es_Abschluss_150dpi_1610GRC tools, IT vulnerability analysis, authorization management, SIEM management – these are four of the top five topics cited by IT decision-makers when asked which current and future technologies are of vital importance to them. *

This means that the new release of GRC Suite SAST from AKQUINET – couldn’t have arrived at a better time to offer answers on some of the subjects that are on the minds of these managers right now. In this interview, Lars Henning (product manager for the SAST SUITE) presents the highlights of the latest version, along with some helpful tips.

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